
  • 山水園-天目湖山水園景區(qū)
  • 南山竹海-天目湖南山竹海景區(qū)
  • 天目湖御水溫泉

Nanshan Shouxing Hotel


     The Nanshan Shouxing Hotel is a large-scale and the first food restaurant hotel for dinner, leisure and tea drinking and can hold 600 people for dinner at the same time. It is located at the Shouxing Square with superior position and being around by bamboo. The design is elegant and the decoration is delicate in the hotel, so it becomes another classic hotel of Tianmu Lake Tourism Co., Ltd.
Copyright Jiangsu Tianmu Lake Tourism Co., Ltd.    Tel:+86-519-87980000
醴陵市| 霍山县| 绵竹市| 浦江县| 巴里| 尼玛县| 健康| 四平市| 封开县| 宕昌县| 资兴市| 莎车县| 扶沟县| 佛学| 隆德县| 田林县| 博湖县| 西乌珠穆沁旗| 论坛| 镇安县| 团风县| 赤城县| 大荔县| 桂林市| 吴江市| 得荣县| 布尔津县| 诏安县| 石阡县| 伊通| 齐齐哈尔市| 谢通门县| 奉化市| 永康市| 卢氏县| 张家界市| 英德市| 永靖县| 吉木乃县| 沧州市| 威海市|